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How Do All These Tradeskills Work?

The following two pages include detailed descriptions of the various tradeskills you can try on the World of Talus. Or, [click here] to save this document to your pc.

To mine, one must have a Miners Pickaxe equipped. Once equipped, all that needs to be done is to find a Minaeble Rock and double click it. After the appropriate amount of damage is done to the rock, you will chip off a nugget. There is a small chance that the player will receive a second nugget while mining. There is also a very small chance that the player will find a mystery mineral. These minerals need to be washed at the Mineral Bath to discover their type. Miners Pickaxes will wear out from time to time and the Mineable Rocks will also “dry up” (disappear). The Mineable Rocks can be set to respawn after a configurable amount of time.

To Smelt, one must locate a forge. Ore nuggets can be smelted into ingots by placing them in the forge. If successful, an ingot will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the nugget will be destroyed. The more difficult metals require more nuggets per ingot. Dexterity (75%) and Strength (25%) are key abilities for Smelting.

Note: The forge can be use to make bronze ingots too. Bronze ingots are made by combining copper ingots and tin ingots.

Weapon Crafting
Crafting weapons is a very detailed process that requires items produced by Wood Crafting, Mining, Smelting and Tinkering. The base items that all weapons require are ingots and a casing mold (these come in small, medium and large sizes). Some weapons also require wood shafts. The player must have a Smiths Hammer equipped in order to use the Weapon Crafting Anvil. To create a weapon, place the required recipe items into the anvil’s inventory. If successful, the selected weapon will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the items will be destroyed, however some amount of “mangled” metal may be returned to you. Weapons and mangled metals can be recycled at the Ingot Recycler to obtain a portion of the recipe’s base ingot back. Strength (70%) and Dexterity (30%) are key abilities for Weapon Crafting.

There are also two additional things a weapon crafter can create. These are Silver Coated Weapons that do increased damage against undead foes and Titanium Tipped weapons, which do +2 damage. Silver coated weapons are made by coating a bronze weapon with silver using the Silver Coating Brazier. Enchanted silver ingots, holy water and the bronze weapon are placed in the device. If successful, a silver coated weapon will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the items will be destroyed and some amount of mangled bronze may be placed in the player’s inventory. Titanium tipped weapons are made by coating an iron weapon with titanium using the Titanium Tipping Brazier. Enchanted titanium ingots, essence of power and the iron weapon are placed in the device. If successful, a titanium tipped weapon will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the items will be destroyed and mangled iron may be placed in the player’s inventory.

Armor Crafting
Crafting armor is a very detailed process that requires items produced by Mining, Smelting and Tailoring. The base items that all armor types require are ingots and an armor pattern. The player must have a Smiths Hammer equipped in order to use the Armor Crafting Anvil. To create armor, place the required recipe items in the Armor Crafting Anvil. If successful, the selected armor will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the items will be destroyed and some amount of mangled metal may be placed in the player’s inventory. Armor can be recycled at the Ingot Recycler to obtain a portion of the recipe’s base ingot back. Strength (70%) and Dexterity (30%) are key abilities for Armor Crafting.

Tinkering requires that the player posses a Set of Tinkers Tools in their inventory. Tinkers can make a variety of different items ranging from glass ingots to crafting tools to deadly traps. These items are created at the following crafting devices:

Tinkers Device - This strange looking device is used to create arrowheads and misc. tinkering items. When closed, there is a small chance this device will cause an explosion. <g>.
Tinkers Toolkit - This device is used to create traps and crafting tools.
Tinkers Furnace - This device is very similar to the forge except that it uses lumps of clay to make various clay molds and bags of sand to make glass ingots and various glass products.

Tinkering uses two raw materials that can be mined. These are sand and clay. To mine these, the player must have a Shovel in their inventory. Sand deposits yield bags of sand and clay deposits yield lumps of clay. Shovels, like the miner’s pickaxes, will wear out from time to time when used. The frequency is configurable by the builder.

The Tinkering devices work similar to the other CNR crafting devices in that upon success the crafted item will be placed in the players inventory and upon failure, the recipe items will be destroyed. Dexterity (50%) and Intelligence (50%) are key abilities for Tinkering.

The art of alchemy consists of brewing potions. Alchemists can also make some of the oils used by the other trade skills, but brewing potions is the bulk of an alchemists work. Potions consist of two main ingredients. These are an essence and a key ingredient. Essences are made by combining several ingredients and pouring the mixture into a glass vial. This is done at the Alchemists Table. If successful, the essence will be placed in the player’s inventory. If unsuccessful, the recipe ingredients will be destroyed, however the player will get back the glass vial. Potions are made by combining an essence and various ingredients along with an empty flask. This is also done at the Alchemists Table. If successful, the potion will be placed in the players inventory along with an empty glass vial. If unsuccessful, the recipe ingredients will be destroyed, however the player will recover both the glass vial and empty flask. Wisdom (60%) and Intelligence (40%) are key abilities for Alchemy.

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