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Talus Speech Recognition System Commands:

For reference, this page contains a long list of commands for using the Talus Speech Recognition System. For a downloadable/printable version, [click here].

Jump to: Emote | Action | Character File | Associate | Teleport | Speech | NPC Control

Emote Help
You must use the base word shown here to produce a response.
i.e. if the list says *bow*, you can say *bows*.
but *bo* won't work.
You may combine actions, e.q: *duck* *dodge* and it will do both.
You can also use them in a sentence. e.q: Hello, my name is Lanthar *bows*.

*<ability> check*
*collapses*<on back>(also now on 3rd radial dial for emotes)
*cries*<in pain>
*<fort/ref/will> check/save*
*hoot* (works with *shoot*)
*lies*(also works when you type *flies*)
*looks left*
*looks right*
*roll d4*
*roll d6*
*roll d8*
*roll d10*
*roll d12*
*roll d20*
*roll d100*
*scratches head*
*shakes head*
*<skill> check*

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Action Help
***1***<VERB SUBJECT> format:

Use: < attack Lanthar D'Alton>
Use: < drop Potion of cure light wounds>
Use: < follow Lanthar D'Alton>or <follow lanth>
< (attack/bash/assault) target>
< destroyitem item_in_inventory>
< disarm target>
< drop item_in_inventory>
< follow partial_target_name>
< pull partial_target_name>
< push partial_target_name>
< (rotate/spin/turn) target: degrees>
<SEENPLAYER full_playername>
<SEENCHAR charname>
<AWAY away_message> //don't use ' in the message yet. I'll fix this in next update... but till then it won't handle ' marks.

Try it in server. Say:
<away I am eating dinner. Be back around 6:00 CST>

then say seenplayer with your full player name... like:
<seenplayer Lanthar D'Alton>

And it tells last character I was on as, along with my away message that I set.... Note: it even works when you are still online, so if you want to go AFK, set an away message. NOTE: start checking the away message before thinking someone is ignoring you.

***2*** <VERB SUBJECT with ITEM> format

use:<HEAL lanthar D'Alton WITH potion of cure light wounds>
Note: You can use this with partial target names and potion strength
Use: <HEAL lanthar WITH light>
Use: <heal lan with heal>
Use: <build campfire WITH oak logs>
<heal target WITH potion of cure (minor/light/moderate/serious/critical) wounds
<heal partial_target_name WITH (minor/light/moderate/serious/critical/heal)>
<build placeable WITH item_in_inventory>

***3*** <VERB SUBJECT from ITEM> format

Use: <TAKE resurrection FROM Lanthar D'Alton
Note: you can use this with dead creatures to take scrolls, potions, wands, and rods. Also works with partial creature names
Use: <TAKE resurrection FROM lanth>
COMMANDS AVAILABLE: <TAKE item_in_inventory FROM partial_target_name>


Use these in public speech modes.
You must surround actions with <>
Most allow plural verbs.

***1*** <verb subject> FORMAT:

use <attack Lanthar D'Alton>
use: <drop potion of cure light wounds>
use: <follow Lanthar D'Alton> or <follow Lanth>
<(attack/bash/assault) target>
<destroyitem item_in_inventory>
<disarm target>
<drop item_in_inventory>
<follow partial_target_name>
<pull partial_target_name>
<push partial_target_name>
<(rotate/spin/turn) target degrees>

***2*** <VERB SUBJECT with ITEM> format.

Use: <HEAL Lanthar D'Alton WITH potion of cure light wounds>
Note: You can use this one with partial target names and potion strength
Use: <HEAL Lanthar WITH light>
Use: <heal lan with heal>
Use: <build campfire WITH oak logs>
<heal target WITH potion of cure (light/moderate/serious/critical/heal)>
<build placeable WITH item_in_inventory>

***3*** <VERB SUBJECT from ITEM> format.

Use: <TAKE resurrection FROM Lanthar D'Alton>
Note: you can use this with dead creatures to take scrolls, potions, wands and rods. It also works with partial creature names.
Use: <TAKE resurrection FROM lanth>
<TAKE item_in_inventory FROM partial_target_name>

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Character File Help
You may delete characters from your server list shown at login by logging
in as the character and saying <DeletePC> in talk mode, with the <>s
You may restore a deleted PC by logging in as any pc and saying <RestorePC name> where name is the character name without spaces.
<RestoreAllPCs> will restore all hidden characters.
NOTE: files brought over from the local vault will not work with this behavior.

Associate Help
You can speak through your animal companion, familiar, henchman or
summoned creature by placing a semicolon ";" in front of what you say, like this:
;Hi, I'm your associate *bows*
If you ever have more than one kind of associate, you must specify which to speak through by these prefixies:
;a <message> = Animal companion
;f <message> = Familiar
;h <message> = Henchman
;s<message> = Summoned creature

Teleport Help
Wizards, Sorcerers and Bards may use the following commands when they reach levels 9, 10 and 13 respectively.
To memorize target locations <memorize/mem LocationName>
To forget a location <unmemorize/unmem LocationName>
To teleport self, with familiars, summoned and henchman.
<teleport/tele/tel LocationName>
To create a 60 second portal
<teleportparty/telep LocationName>
To list stored locations <showmem>
You can learn 2 localations + 1 per level over 9(WIZ), 10(SORC) and 13)BARD).
You must rest to reset your daily total

Speech Help
Player Help Commands

Admin Help Commands

Languages may be used by placing [] around your speech in private speech modes
e.q. /dm [I'm an elf, this is eleven]

NPC Control Help
DMs may speak through any creature object by using the DMFI Voice Widget on it,
and then speaking with a * * in front of what you say, like this:
*I'm DM controlled *bows*
Note: if you must use *sits* or *falls*, you must use *stands* to make them respond to other emotes

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