|PC Dicebag|
The PC Dicebag allows the PC (and DMs, if they so choose) to roll their own skill checks,
ability checks, saving throws, and a variety of dice.

PC Dicebag
When used, the player can choose from the following options:

-d4 (1d4 to 10d4)
-d6 (1d6 to 10d6)
-d8 (1d8 to 10d8)
-d10 (1d10 to 10d10)
-d12 (1d12 to 10d12)
-d20 (1d20 to 10d20)
-Roll an Ability Check/Save
-Strength Check
-Dexterity Check
-Constitution Check
-Intelligence Check
-Wisdom Check
-Charisma Check
-Fortitude Save
-Reflex Save
-Will Save
-Roll a Skill Check (A - O)
-Animal Empathy
-Disable Trap
-Open Lock
-Roll a Skill Check (P - Z)
-Pick Pocket
-Set Traps
-Use Magic Device
-Roll Misc. Die/Change Settings
-[Local] Broadcast my roll to people in my immediate vicinity
-[Global] Broadcast my roll to everyone on the server
-[Private] Broadcast my roll only to me and the DM

You can select the "Broadcast Mode" for your dice rolls.
[Private] The rolls are sent as a private message to you and to the DM(s)
[Local] The rolls are spoken out loud and sent to the DM(s)
[Global] The rolls are shouted throughout the server and sent to the DM(s)

The default animation is a Get Mid animation for 3 seconds. However, certain checks have their own animations as follows:
Dexterity Rolls a Dexterity check and plays the Steal animation
Intelligence Rolls an Intelligence check and plays the Scratch Head animation
Wisdom Rolls an Wisdom check and plays the Scratch Head animation
Charisma Rolls a Charisma check and plays the Talk Normal animation for 5 seconds
Reflex Rolls a Reflex Save and plays the Steal animation
Will Rolls a Will Save and plays the Drunk animation for 5 seconds
Animal Empathy Rolls an Animal Empathy check and plays the Talk Pleading animation for 5 seconds
Disable Trap Rolls a Disable Trap check and plays the Get Low animation for 3 seconds
Hide Rolls a Hide check and plays the Dead Front animation until cancelled
Listen Rolls a Listen check and plays the Turn Head Left animation
Lore Rolls a Lore check and plays the Read animation
Move Silently Rolls a Move Silently check and plays the Steal animation
Perform Rolls a Perform check and applies the Bard Song effect for 6 seconds.
Persuade Rolls a Persuade check and plays the Talk Pleading animation for 5 seconds
Pickpocket Rolls a Pickpocket check and plays the Steal animation
Search Rolls a Search check and Plays the Look Far animation for 3 seconds
Set Trap Rolls a Set Trap check and Plays the Get Low animation for 3 seconds
Spellcraft Rolls a Spellcraft check and Casts a fake Fox's Cunning spell
Spot Rolls a Spot check and Plays the Look Far animation for 3 seconds
Taunt Rolls a Taunt check and Plays the Taunt animation
Use Magic Device Rolls a Use Magic Device check and Plays the Scratch Head animation

|PC Emote Wand|
The PC Emote Wand allows a player to do some animations that are not available in the “emote” radial menu. The animations have no affect on gameplay and are merely intended to assist role-playing.

When used, the player can choose from the following options:

-Fall Prone
-Follow Nearest PC
-Sit on the Floor
-[More Emotes]
-Get Low
-Get Mid
-Sit in Nearest Chair
-Sit on the Floor and Drink
-Sit on the Floor and Read
-[Loop Mode]
-Toggle *emote* commands

When you select Loop Mode, any emote that you select from the list will take you back to the loop mode conversation. This way, you can "chain" your emotes without having to reuse the widget constantly.

If the "DMFI DM Voice" is installed, this will toggle your ability to use *emote* commands (by default, it is set to "on")

|PC Autofollow Widget|
This simple widget allows you to follow another creature. To use, simply target it on the creature that you want to follow.

|DMFI Voice functions|
If the DMFI DM Voice is installed, you have access to additional features such as racial languages and being able to "throw your voice" to your henchmen companions.

Racial languages
To speak the language, use the appropriate widget (this will destroy the old Voice and create a new one if necessary) and type:
/dm [What you want to say in brackets]
Some sample languages are in this pack. PCs can automatically speak their racial language (or class language, if they are human) by default)... just type
/dm [What you want to say in brackets]
while within earshot of an NPC. They can also understand their racial language/ class language by default.

Asterisks toggle the translation, thus allowing you to say things in Common or signify emotes. For example:
/dm [Hello, there, *Treewalker*, how are you? *giggle*]
will be translated as:
gibberish *Treewalker* gibberish *giggle*

When you are within earshot of someone who is speaking a different language,

your character will see the translated text in the server window (the right
chat box). If you cannot understand the language (i.e. you are not of the correct
race or you do not have the appropriate language widget), your character makes
a Lore check against a DC of 20 to see if he/he knows what language is being

List of Sample Languages:
Thieves' Cant (limit of 25 characters, will display emotes instead of text)

Native Language default - you can use your native language by default without having to activate the language widget. Just type:
/dm [Your message here]
This is just like the original Language widget... it just saves you a step, because you don't have to activate the language widget if you have a native language. Other languages can be used as normal (activate the appropriate widget). Note that this does not work if there are no NPCs nearby. In this case, use the language widget to summon a voice.

The * (asterisk) character activates emotes when in the beginning position. You can use this to do certain emotes by just typing the emote between asterisks. Try *pray*, for example. The *emotes* search for a sub-string, so you can type in *pray* *prays to Pelor* *fervently prays*, etc. to have the same effect. A comprehensive list is below.

*emote* keywords
agree Plays the Listen animation briefly(example: *agrees*)
begs Plays the Talk Pleading animation until cancelled (example: *begs for food*)
bends Plays the Get Low animation until cancelled (example: *bends over to pick up an object*)
bored Plays the Bored animation briefly (example: *looks bored*)
bow Plays the bow animation (example: *bows stiffly*)
celebrate Plays a Cheer voicechat and animation (example: *celebrates*)
chats Plays the Normal Chat animation until cancelled (example: *chats with the group*)
cheer Plays a Cheer voicechat and animation (example: *cheers for victory*)
chuckle Plays the Laugh voicechat and emote (example: *chuckles*)
curtsey Plays the bow animation (example: *curtsey*)
demand Plays the Forceful Chat animation (example: *demands your attention*)
dice Plays the Get Mid animation (example: *rolls some dice*)
drink Plays the Drink animation (example: *drinks a swig of ale*)
drunk Plays the Drunk animation until cancelled (example: *staggers drunkenly*)
exhausted Plays the Tired animation(example: *looks exhausted*)
fatigue Plays the Tired animation(example: *looks fatigued*)
fiddle Plays the Get Mid animation until cancelled (example: *fiddles with the lock*)
fidget Plays the Pause animation until cancelled (example: *fidgets nervously*)
flop Plays the Dead Front animation until cancelled (example: *flops on the ground*)
giggle Plays a giggle, if female (example: *giggles*)
greet Plays the greeting voicechat (example: *greets NPC*)
hooray Plays a Cheer voicechat and animation (example: *hooray*)
hums Applies a Bard Song effect for 6 seconds (example: *hums a tune*)
laugh Plays the Laugh voicechat and emote (example: *laughs out loud*)
meditate Plays the Meditate animation until cancelled (example: *meditates on the word Om*)
mock Plays the Taunt voicechat and animation (example: *mocks*)
nap Applies a Snoring Sleep effect to the caller (example: *takes a short nap*)
nod Plays the Listen animation briefly(example: *nods*)
peers Plays the Look Far animation until cancelled (example: *peers in the distance*)
plead Plays the Talk Pleading animation until cancelled (example: *pleads with the jury*)
pray Plays the Meditate animation until cancelled (example: *prays to Pelor*)
prone Plays the Dead Front animation until cancelled (example: *falls prone*)
reads Plays the Read animation once (example: *reads the old book*)
scratch Plays the Scratch Head animation once (example: *scratches head*)
salute Plays the Salute animation once (example: *salutes stiffly*)
scans Plays the Look Far animation until cancelled (example: *scans the room*)
search Plays the Look Far animation until cancelled (example: *searches the area*)
shifts Plays the Pause animation until cancelled (example: *shifts position*)
sings Applies a Bard Song effect for 6 seconds (example: *sings a ditty*)
sips Plays the Drink animation (example: *sips some coffee*)
sleep Applies a Sleep effect to the caller (example: *sleeps briefly*)
smokes Creates a smoke puff at head level (example: *smokes*)
snore Applies a Snoring Sleep effect to the caller (example: *snores loudly*)
steal Plays the Steal animation once (example: *deftly steals*)
stoops Plays the Get Low animation until cancelled (example: *stoops low*)
stretch Plays the Bored animation briefly (example: *stretches*)
swipe Plays the Steal animation once (example: *swipes some quarters*)
talks Plays the Normal Chat animation until cancelled (example: *talks to the bartender*)
taunt Plays the Taunt voicechat and animation (example: *taunts*)
threaten Plays the Forceful Chat animation (example: *threatens the bartender*)
tired Plays the Tired animation(example: *looks tired*)
wave Plays the greeting animation (example: *waves*)
whistles Applies a Bard Song effect for 6 seconds (example: *whistles a tune*)
woozy Plays the Drunk animation until cancelled (example: *looks woozy*)
worship Plays the Worship animation until cancelled (example: *worship the shrine*)
yawn Plays the Bored animation briefly (example: *yawns loudly*)

Special Emotes
"sits" and "drink" together in the same emote - Sits on the floor, then plays drinking animation. If you are already sitting, then you continue to sit (example: *drinks and continues to sit*)
"sits" and "reads" together in the same emote - Sits on the floor, then plays reading
animation. If you are already sitting, then you continue to sit (example: *sits and read*)
"sits" and "floor" together in the same emote - Plays the Sit Down on Floor animation until cancelled (example: *sits on the floor*)
"shakes head" - A "head shake" animation (example: *shakes head*)

*emote* diceroll keywords
Strength Rolls a Strength check
Dexterity Rolls a Dexterity check and plays the Steal animation
Constitution Rolls a Constitution check
Intelligence Rolls an Intelligence check and plays the Scratch Head animation
Wisdom Rolls an Wisdom check and plays the Scratch Head animation
Charisma Rolls a Charisma check and plays the Talk Normal animation for 5 seconds
Fortitude Rolls a Fortitude Save
Reflex Rolls a Reflex Save and plays the Steal animation
Will Rolls a Will Save and plays the Drunk animation for 5 seconds
Animal Empathy Rolls an Animal Empathy check and plays the Talk Pleading animation for 5 seconds
Concentration Rolls a Concentration check
Disable Trap Rolls a Disable Trap check and plays the Get Low animation for 3 seconds
Discipline Rolls a Discipline check
Heal Rolls a Heal check
Hide Rolls a Hide check and plays the Dead Front animation until cancelled
Listen Rolls a Listen check and plays the Turn Head Left animation
Lore Rolls a Lore check and plays the Read animation
Move Silently Rolls a Move Silently check and plays the Steal animation
Open Lock Rolls an Open Lock check
Parry Rolls a Parry check
Perform Rolls a Perform check and applies the Bard Song effect for 6 seconds.
Persuade Rolls a Persuade check and plays the Talk Pleading animation for 5 seconds
Pickpocket Rolls a Pickpocket check and plays the Steal animation
Search Rolls a Search check and Plays the Look Far animation for 3 seconds
Set Trap Rolls a Set Trap check and Plays the Get Low animation for 3 seconds
Spellcraft Rolls a Spellcraft check and Casts a fake Fox's Cunning spell
Spot Rolls a Spot check and Plays the Look Far animation for 3 seconds
Taunt Rolls a Taunt check and Plays the Taunt animation
Use Magic Device Rolls a Use Magic Device check and Plays the Scratch Head animation

Note: All Emote Rolls have to start with a Capital letter. Thus a Strength check is:
*uses Strength to break the bars*
*uses strength to break the bars* or *STRENGTH check*

Familiar/companion speech
You can use ; to make your companion talk.
For example, if I wanted to get my familiar to say "Ruff!", then I'd type:
/dm ;Ruff!
This allows you to have your familiar interact with others without having to possess the familiar. It also allows summons and animal companions to have speech.

Q) I want my familiar/animal companion/henchman/summon to speak! How do I do this?
A) Type the following at any time:
/dm ;I am your companion and I am speaking!

Q) I want to use a racial language! How do I do this?
A) First of all, do you belong to the race appropriate for the language? If you
want to speak Elven, you have to be an elf. Then type (with an NPC around within earshot):
/dm [I am speaking in Elven!]

Also, the space between the /dm and the [ (bracket)
/dm[I am trying to speak Elven]
/dm [I am trying to speak Elven]

Q) Why are my phrases shortened in Thieves' Cant?
A) The way Cant works: It is a series of pre-arranged movements and motions that send a secret message unbeknownst to onlookers. However, because it is a series of movements (like a sort of weird coded sign language, not unlike baseball coach signs), it can only deliver a limited amount of information (25 characters is the arbitrary limit I used to truncate it). You will note that instead of text, an emote appears. Thus, Thieves cant is best used interspersed in normal conversation, using terse and short phrases.

If you have no NPC in earshot, use a language widget to summon a Voice nearby or ask your DM to plop down a Voice nearby (or any NPC). Or you can summon any creature (henchman, familiar, animal companion, summon, etc.).

Dopple (dopple@why-bother-me.com)
Jhenne (tallonzek@hotmail.com)
Robert Bernavich (robert_bernavich@mentor.com)
Archaegeo (archaegeo@charter.net)

Modifications by hahnsoo (hahns@shin.org)

Smoking Function by Jason Robinson

Bugs and Technical Issues: hahnsoo (hahns_shin@hotmail.com)